Banishing & Renewal

With all the lights off, sit in reflection of the events and situations that have passed. Light an illumination candle and write a list of all the experiences that have been negative, disagreeable, or troubling in the past. Using patchouli oil, draw an X over the list. Then for every item on that list, fold the paper away from you that many times. Finally, using the flame of the candle, burn the list in a fireproof dish.

Now chant the following ~

These things which have weighed on my head and heart

I cast them aside so my life can restart

Next, write a list of what you wish to gain and for every item on the list have a small white candle. Light each candle while you chant the following ~

Goddess of Fire, healing and inspiration,

I offer these desires and expel limitation.

Grant them your favor so they may come to pass.

As I light each candle, let the spell be cast.

Leave the candles to burn themselves out. Once the fires are complete, roll the list like a scroll drawing the ends toward you. Tie the scroll together with a gold or white ribbon and leave on your altar or carry with you until all the items on your list come to fruition. Cross out each item on the list when it comes to pass and always re-roll the list towards you. If the magick starts to wane on the spell light another candle and repeat the chant to the Goddess.

Blessed be.

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