The Beginning of Creation

In the beginning, there was only a vast, deep Ocean of Darkness, whom we call Kayosh. There was no light. No life. Nothing.

Sleeping within this ocean was Keesosh, and in her sleep she dreamed and had a prophecy of the beginning of the Universe. This dream was so beautiful that Keesosh woke and began to shape the world as she saw in her dream.

When Keesosh woke from her dream and opened her eyes, Light was released and filled the Dark Ocean. This Light gathered upon itself and into a magnificent circling Ocean of Light and Fire. Keesosh named this ocean, her daughter, Oshisa.


by suntwirl


Being used to the darkness, the light first hurt Keesosh’s eyes and tears fell from them. Those tears became Siosha, Ocean of Water, who travelled across Kayosh and met with Fisosho, Ocean of Fire and the son of Oshisa,


by suntwirl


Fisosho and Siosha united and produced many offspring. Of the thousands born there was the hard, dense Ocean of Earth, whom we name Ethosha. This ocean was more firm than either of her parents and her waves moved slower, forming into high, strong peaks and low, dark troughs. Part of her parents remained unchanged in Ethosha. Inside her heart, she held a spark of fire. However, this fire did not like to stay hidden for long and would sometimes erupt suddenly from Ethosha or coil beneath the pools of water where the heat would focus and boil.

The other children of Fisosho and Siosha developed similarly to Ethosha and yet were in many ways different. Some were large and others wandered. The most prominent were eight and remained in this order: Seleshin, Senishi, Ethosha, Zankiel, Osolikiel, Mockaykiel, Sualikiel, and Eshalikiel.



Keesosh smiled in delight as her dream was manifesting into reality. She let out a peel of laughter. From her laughter, Aisosho, the Ocean of Air, was born.

Aiosho became The Cosmic Weaver and crafted for each of the children of Fiosho and Siosha a cloak to protect them and provide them power in the Dark Ocean.  For Ethosha, her cloak provided warmth from Oshisa above and Fiosho below, and that warmth covered her entire being. It would also provide the Air that would be needed by the future Children of Keesosh.


by suntwirl


Keesosh was pleased with her creation thus far. Her vision of the Universe was taking shape and the time was coming for her to finish the remaining deeds to complete her work. It was time to create the Inhabitants that would one day populate the worlds across her creation.


by Unholy Vault


In the Heavens, Keesosh took in her hand the Gold Sickle of Kayosh and gathered before her millions of clam shells. In an act of great sacrifice, Keesosh used the sickle to to cut apart her body. The pieces that were cut away were placed into the shells by Kayosh. Keesosh shorn away at her body until there was nothing left except her wandering spirit. Stripped of her body, her spirit spread across the vastness of the Dark Ocean and mingled with the spirit of Kayosh. Their union gave birth to the twins of heaven Kia Sai and Kio Shi, Life and Death.

Thus began the creation of the universe and the inhabitants of the worlds.



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