Of Life and Death


After Keesosh sacrificed her body to become the living creatures of the Earth, her soul no longer had a place to reside. Her Spirit was then boundless and became a part of Kayosh. Through their union they conceived Kia Sai and Kio Shi, Life and Death.

Before the birth of the inhabitants of the worlds, Kia Sai and Kio Shi were small children. They loved each other inseparably and would often play games together. Kia Sai was the eldest of the two. She was a Spirit of radiance and beauty. Her presence brought warmth and feelings of joy. Kio Shi was an exact opposite of Kia Sai. He was a Spirit of darkness and harrow. His presence brought coldness and feelings of fear and sadness. Kia Sai was cheerful and always taking action. Kio Shi was more withdrawn and prefered to spend time in contemplation. However, what they did share was curiosity. Kio Shi loved his elder sister and would often want to do as she did.

One day, Kia Sai and Kio Shi were playing and discovered the shells containing the fragments of Keeosh. Kia Sai was fascinated by them and began to pick up and play with them. Kio Shi also wanted to play would began to pick up the shells as well. The shells that Kia Sai played with became warm and began glowing with a brilliant light. The shells that Kio Shi played with became cold and were wrapped in shadows. The children continued to play together and laugh and make noise, as children do, until they attracted the attention of their parents. Keeosh and Kayosh came to find their children play with the shells and became furious. They scolded the children who then dropped the shells they were holding. The shells that Kia Sai had held broke open and released creatures of beauty, inspiration, love, and happiness. The shells that Kio Shi had held broke and became creatures of vileness, sorrow, hate, and fear. Keeosh saw that to have her children together would cause tumultuousness for the later creatures of her creation. She loved them and knew how important they would be in her vision, however she could not allow them to stay together. So she sent Kia Sai to live with her older sister, Oshisa. As for Kio Shi, she sent him the other end of the Dark Ocean where Kayosh made a realm for him. The benevolent creatures that Kia Sai had created were allowed to wander free and explore he Oceans of Creation. However, the dark creatures which Kio Shi had made were imprisoned so that they could not harm the other creations.




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