Book of Mirrors

Life According to the Moon

Ever since I was little I have had a deep connection to the Moon. I loved the night more than I loved the day. There was something about her ethereal light that filled me with a sense of peace and understanding. Understanding what? I was never really sure, but I understood. I suppose you could say it was because I was born in the sign of Cancer. Or, that I was born underneath a full moon. my favorite color was silver and pearls wear the most beautiful objects in the world. I felt at home in the water. So much so that my shower times were usually an hour long, much to the ire of my parents. Whenever I could sit outside or by my window to look at the Moon, I felt the most safe. This fascination with the Moon and her energy fueled me the most as I discovered myself as a witch.

In the beginning of my pagan journey I followed a Wiccan path and I spent a lot of my time and energy devoting to the balance of forces between the masculine and feminine, light and dark, day and night. However, no mater how much I honored the Sun God, I felt more connection to the Lady of the Moon. Now that I have practiced my craft for 10 years, I am more comfortable working with the darker aspects and almost work exclusively with the energies of the Moon.



Artemis, by Artist Unknown


Every night I greet the Moon as she appears over the horizon. I commune with her in silence and thank her for protecting me and showing her guiding light through the darkest of times. As she waxes in her orbit I grow with her and look to my life to what I need to nourish. I ask for her guidance and her strength to see me through my journey. As she reaches her peak of power I revel in her fullness and thank her for the abundance she blesses me with. I ask her to lend me her power so that I can see my own goals come to fruition. I dance in her presence and sing to her beauty. I light incense that carries her memory and let the smoke carry my desires to her. I collect the waters of the earth and bless them with her glory. I bottle her essence to carry with me for the times she is felt but not seen. I thank her for her influence in my mind, my body, and my spirit. When she begins to wane I feel the loss of her. It is not a mournful loss, but one of knowing that a time will come when we will be separated. However, this separation is necessary to rest and reflect on the experiences and memories that have come to pass. As she grows bent and her power frail I look into myself and see the things that I need to banish from myself. As her image disappears from the inky, black sky I descend with her into the Void and take with me those things which no longer serve me, the things which hold me back, and the things which cause me harm. I journey with her into that underworld and leave those things I no longer need in that eternal wasteland where nothing grows. Then as the Lady rises once again, I travel back with her into a new world of new possibility and magic. The cycle begins anew and I thank her for taking me on this journey.


Artist Unknown